Upstream oil and gas exploration and production in...
Dato Sandroshvili, Director - Portfolio and Strategy, Ophir Energy
At Pressures on Producers, Explorers and the State in Emerging... 28 June 2016
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Speaker’s Biography
Dato Sandroshvili joined Ophir in February 2014. Dato has spent most of his career in Oil and Gas Corporate Finance Advisory and prior to joining the company, was an adviser to Ophir from 2009. Dato started his Corporate Finance career at Schroder Salomon Smith Barney in London, before moving to UBS where he managed the Russia/CIS Oil and Gas Advisory business. In 2009, Dato joined London-based independent advisory firm, Lexicon Partners (later acquired by Evercore Partners), where he focused on an EMEA E&P client base. Dato has a Diploma in Accounting and an MBA in International Finance.
Need to know
Ophir Energy is an independent Upstream oil and gas exploration and production company. Ophir Energy creates value by finding resources and then monetising them at the appropriate time. The Group has an extensive and diverse portfolio of assets in Africa and Asia and is listed on the London Stock Exchange.