Materializing mega-gas projects in Azerbaijan in the...
Gülmira Rzayeva, Senior Research Fellow, OIES
At Pressures on Producers, Explorers and the State in Emerging... 28 June 2016
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Ms. Gulmira Rzayeva is a senior research fellow at the Center for Strategic Studies (SAM) under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Research Associate at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES). She is currently a contributing analyst to the Jamestown Foundation’s Eurasia Daily Monitor. Her area of expertise includes energy security covering issues such as the energy policy of Azerbaijan and Black Sea/Caspian region energy security, Turkish domestic natural gas market, European gas market. Ms. Rzayeva has a BA in International Relations from the Baku Slavic University and an MA in Global Affairs from the University of Buckingham, UK.
Need to know
The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies is an autonomous centre for advanced research into the social science areas of energy issues. The Institute is committed to the idea of dialogue – between consumers and producers, government and industry and academics and decision makers. Our aim is that co-operation between researchers from these varied backgrounds, will lead to a more informed and balanced understanding of the behaviour, motivations and objectives of the various economic forces, agents and policy makers that operate in or influence the performance of international energy markets.