Fintech and Bankability: The Blockchain
Leanne Kemp, CEO, Everledger
At Financing the Stone: Capital Markets, Banks or Fintech? 23 November 2017
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Leanne Kemp is the Founder & CEO of Everledger. Using her extensive background in emerging technology, business, jewellery and insurance, Leanne is pushing boundaries with Everledger, building a global verification system that asserts transparency along the entire supply chain, to track and protect high-value assets. With a rich history in innovation, Leanne previously founded three startups, where she introduced and patented transformational technology ideas alongside various solutions to streamline inventory and supply chain operations. Leanne is an appointed member of the World Economic Forum’s Blockchain Council and a Co-Chair for the World Trade Board's Sustainable Trade Action Group.
Need to know
Founded in 2015, Everledger is a global enterprise that tracks the provenance of high-value assets on a global digital ledger. Emerging technologies including blockchain, smart contracts and IoT have been harnessed to create solutions for encrypting the immutable provenance of an asset through a distributed ledger platform. These technological solutions are developed and deployed to markets where provenance matters, providing supply chain stakeholders with an immutable history of an asset’s authenticity, existence and ownership. This asserts transparency throughout the supply chain process which serves to mitigate global risk and fraud challenges faced by stakeholders such as insurance companies and banks.